Each year, over fifty students are granted awards at the Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair. In addition to medals, plaques, and certificates, our award winners take home a total of over $10,000 in cash prizes. Finalists are also chosen from our combined pool of Junior, Intermediate and Senior prize winners to proceed to the Canada-Wide Science Fair.
Projects will be judged within the following six age divisions:
- Elementary Grade 4 (EL4)
- Elementary Grade 5 (EL5)
- Elementary Grade 6 (EL6)
- Junior (JR) – Grades 7 and 8
- Intermediate (IN) – Grades 9 and 10
- Senior (SR) – Grades 11 and 12
Projects may address any science-related topic. Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged.
WBRSF General Awards:
General Awards are granted in each of the six divisions described above. For each division, one gold, two silver and three bronze medals are awarded. Gold medalists receive a cheque for $500; silver medalists receive a cheque for $250; and bronze medalists receive a cheque for $100 .
WBRSF Special Awards:
In addition to the General Awards, Special Awards are granted to the best projects within particular scientific disciplines. Each special award is accompanied by a certificate and a cheque for $250.
The Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair Judging Committee may choose not to grant a particular award if qualifying projects are lacking or if qualifying projects are deemed to be of unsuitable quality. Sponsors may have strict guidelines regarding eligibility. (Please note that the names of the awards may change from year to year due to changes in sponsorship).
The following Special Awards may be granted:
- Suncor Life Sciences Award: Awarded to the best project focusing on biological processes or life systems.
- Suncor Award for Discovery: An exceptional project that uses the scientific method of inquiry to a) obtain a previously unknown answer to a scientific challenge and b) that increases the current knowledge base of science.
- Suncor Award for Engineering: An outstanding project that demonstrates knowledge of principles from chemical, civil, computer, biomed, environmental, electrical, industrial or mechanical engineering to address a specific, clearly defined challenge.
- Suncor Oil Sands/In Situ Award: Best overall project related to oil sands mining, extraction or upgrading.
- Syncrude Indigenous Studies Award: Awarded to the project that best incorporates an Indigenous focus into their experiment, study or innovation.
- Syncrude Earth Sciences Award: Awarded to the project that best promotes the understanding and knowledge of earth science and geology.
- Syncrude Material Sciences Award: Awarded to a project that demonstrates a keen interest and aptitude in the field of Material Science, Engineering, or Failure analysis.
- Syncrude Physical Science Award: This Award is presented for an outstanding project related to the science of Physics.
- CNRL Sustainable Energy Award: A project that seeks to reduce our energy footprint by improving the use of current energy sources or introducing new and more efficient energy sources.
- CNRL Entrepreneurism Award: An outstanding exhibitor or exhibitors with entrepreneurial spirit and a project that demonstrates commercial potential.
- CNRL Behavioural Sciences Award: An outstanding project that examines the thought processes and behaviour of humans or other animals in their interaction with the environment.
- CNOOC Consumer Award: Best overall project investigating or testing a consumer product, clothing or textiles, or food & nutrition.
- CNOOC Award for Safety: Awarded to the project that identifies areas of safety concerns and develops possible solutions that result in improvement of the overall safety or system safety.
- WBEA Crystal Clean: An outstanding project related to environmental sciences with a demonstrated interest in testing or assessing environmental quality.
- Markaz Ul-Islam Excellence in Chemistry: This award is given to an outstanding project in the field of chemistry related to the study of the composition, structure, properties and change or reactivity of matter, or the related principles as applied in a related natural science.
- Markaz Ul-Islam Ingenuity Award: An inventive project showing originality in the selection of a topic with an emphasis on scientific curiosity, outstanding project design and enthusiastic presentation.
- Imperial Oil Health Sciences Award: Best overall project in the field of Health Sciences pertaining to the fields of medical laboratory science, medicine or biomedical experimentation.
- Genome Alberta: Best overall project dealing with human, animal, plant or microbial genomics.
- Enbridge Young Innovator Award: An outstanding project in the Elementary division investigating a science or technology that has the potential to improve the quality of our lives in the future.
- Imperial Oil Young Scientist Award: An outstanding project in the Elementary division showing promise or innovation in experimental design or project presentation
- WBEA Environmental Science Award: A project that demonstrates an understanding of the impacts from human activities on the environment or on the other hand, the impacts from some environmental issues on human beings
- ConocoPhillips Junior Coder: Awarded to the project that deals with enhancing communication and our use of information using digital and networking technologies, or applications of new media.
- CNRL Jr. Robotics: Awarded to a project in the elementary division that utilizes robotics, the engineering design process and programming to create a solution to a problem.
- Enbridge Sr. Innovator Award: An original project of developmental, investigative, or experimental character that creates a technological advancement with potential benefit to society.
- WBEA Environmental Innovation: An outstanding project that demonstrates a novel use of ideas, methods or technologies to develop a potentially better solution to an environmental problem.
- ConocoPhillips Senior Coder: An outstanding project related to mathematical or computer sciences that employs mathematical or programming principles to explain or solve a problem in everyday life.
- CNRL Senior Robotics: Awarded to a project in the JR, IN, or SR division that utilizes robotics, the engineering design process and programming to create a solution to a problem.