Please visit our Online Registration System to register as a judge!
The Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair represents an opportunity for local educators and industry scientists to come together and encourage our region’s budding young scientists. We are delighted to have the majority of our volunteers and judges return to the Fair each year. If you are new to the WBRSF, we are certain that you too will find it a highly rewarding and memorable experience.
This year, the judging process at the Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair will be similar to last year. Each student will present the project remotely via MS Teams to 3 judges who will rank these projects based on the characteristics outlined in our judging rubrics. The judging for special prizes will also be included in the same session. At the end of the judging period, the WBRSF Judging Committee will total up the rankings for each project.
Although judges are responsible for selecting finalists, it should be remembered that the primary goal of the Fair is to foster curiosity and encourage all students (not just the finalists) to consider careers in science. It is our hope that the fair will be a very positive experience for everyone involved. One of the main goals of a judge should be to recognize the efforts of each student; every student that submits a project is a winner!
We are currently seeking judges for all age divisions (grades 4-12) and project categories. Judges should be enthusiastic and have a firm understanding of the scientific method. Although this is the only requirement to judge at the Elementary level, a minimum of a B.Sc., experience teaching science at or above a grade seven level, or experience judging at science fairs is required in order to judge at the Junior, Intermediate or Senior levels.
The Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation is pleased to assist local schools by locating additional judges for their fairs. Please contact us if you are interested in participating as a judge at a school fair.
New Judges
Please visit our Online Registration System to register as a judge!
After that you will receive a confirmation email in your inbox asking you to verify, or you may be entered directly into the system. Once on your main page, enter your profile information (required contact information is indicated with a red asterisk). Also, enter your background information, past history with judging and any comfort levels/areas of specialization you may have. Then our chief judge will be in touch with more information as it becomes available.
At the Fair
Friday, April 04, 2025
8:15am – Judges orientation in grand ballroom A
9:00am – Judging begins
It is hoped that Judges are able to be present for the entire time with us. It is important for consistency across the judging rounds that we have one judge giving a good sampling and ranking of the set of projects. We provide a strong orientation that will make even novice judges comfortable on their first time judging with us. Food and refreshments are provided to all judges. We are very grateful for your contribution and pledge to join us at the WBRSF.