The Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair provides local students with an opportunity to actively question and explore the world around them by taking a hands-on approach to science. Educators, industry representatives and local scientists have an opportunity to work together to recognize and support our region’s budding young scientists. The Fair is organized and operated by the Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation, a registered non-profit charity (BN: 832360226RR0001) founded to support new initiatives in science education.

The Science Fair would not be possible without the generous contributions of our sponsors. The majority of our funding is used to finance fair day logistical costs (such as facility and equipment rentals and catering), awards and prizes, public speakers, publicity, and travel to the Canada-Wide Science Fair.

The overwhelming generosity of our sponsors also allows us to provide financial support to school fairs and to offer students throughout the region an opportunity to meet with world renowned scientists, researchers, and inventors.

One of the key goals of the WBYSF is to build relationships with schools and local industries and to give students an opportunity to meet local scientists. We invite our sponsors to have a presence at the fair. Booths are available to our sponsors so that they can share their own research or scientific expertise with our participants and visitors. Representatives from our sponsoring companies are also invited to hand out awards at our public awards ceremony and to promote specific Special Awards.

To learn more about the benefits of sponsorship please consult our Sponsorship Brochure. For more details on sponsorship opportunities, please contact our treasurer, Tahir Yousaf.



This event would not be possible without the involvement of our many sponsors. We’d like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous contributions.

Gold Level Sponsors





Silver Level Sponsors







Bronze Level Sponsors


Fort McMurray Public Schools


Fort McMurray Catholic Schools


Alberta Education


Aloha Mind Math