Judging for the 2025 WBRSF will take place on Friday, April 04th. The public are invited to view the projects and attend the awards ceremony on Saturday, April 05th. 

Grade 4-6 Registration

Grade 7-12 Registration

Judges Registration



The Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair is an annual event for youth grades four through twelve. The Fair offers a unique opportunity for students throughout the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo to learn science by taking an active hands-on approach to problem solving. Participants are encouraged to nurture their creativity and curiosity by designing science projects which investigate questions of their own choosing.  Although exceptional projects will be recognized, this event should not be viewed as a competition, but rather as a way to stimulate enthusiasm for the Sciences and to acknowledge the accomplishments of all who participate.

The Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair is one of ten regional fairs in Alberta affiliated with Youth Science Canada, a non-profit organization which promotes innovative science education across the country. Each year Youth Science Canada sponsors the “Canada-Wide Science Fair”, a national exhibition which showcases the talents of students representing each of the nation’s regional science fairs.  Finalists chosen from our combined pool of Junior, Intermediate and Senior participants are invited to proceed to the Canada-Wide Science Fair.  The generous donations of our sponsors make this possible at no cost to the students.


Projects will be judged within the following six age divisions (for additional information please visit our Awards Page):

  • Elementary Grade 4 (EL4)
  • Elementary Grade 5 (EL5)
  • Elementary Grade 6 (EL6)
  • Junior (JR) – Grades 7 and 8
  • Intermediate (IN) – Grades 9 and 10
  • Senior (SR) – Grades 11 and 12